Black sea, why so calleddoi:10.1093/nq/s2-I.20.391cB. H. CNotes and Queries
Why is Salton Sea called a sea? Why are coral reefs in shallow water? Why are coral reefs turning white? Why is groundwater considered to be a very clean source of water? Why is the Nile River unusual compared to other rivers?
Kids: Hi, my name is George. I'm five years old. My name's Remy and I'm five years old and my question is, Why is the sea salty? Why is the ocean salty? Nij: I use salt when I cook. Maybe there's a big chef somewhere sprinkling salt in the water when we're all not loo...
(Megaptera novaeangliae) are formidable giants. But their immensity doesn’t hinder their athleticism—humpbacks are very active at the water’s surface. The whales slap their tails, flap their pectoral fins, and jump vertically out of the sea—a behavior called “breaching” that is rare among...
Is the Caspian Sea a sea? No question could seem sillier. The Caspian has been called a sea since its discovery and first description in ancient times. The bordering states – Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan – call it a sea in their respective languages. The United ...
The softening of food prices risks being reversed if a deadlock over Russia’s exit from the Black Sea Grain Initiative is not resolved.
This shark is extremely curious, though, and may bite humans to determine if they would make a good meal. They generally don't return for seconds, because humans simply aren't very good food. These sharks much prefer the fatty blubber of seals and sea lions. While some scientists say ...
Thanks to Jaws, they're the ocean's most iconic and feared fish. But we know surprisingly little about them.
Ukraine is experiencing a "terrifying" increase in dolphin deaths along its coastline since the start of the conflict, with an estimated 5,000 of the animals killed since March – almost 2 percent of the Black Sea's total population.