Anybody on the early team questioned, "Maybe this is not the right thing to do." Danielle: Oh, my gosh. For five years. Yeah. It's been a very, very weird road. For five years I really felt like, "Maybe this isn't the idea that I thought it was." We'd get super amazing ...
The site relevance is determined in a large part to how often the site is updated. When your blog post updates your homepage, Google says, "Oh, I should really index this site a lot more often." As a result, your site goes up in rankings. Not just for that one particular thing but...
Danielle:Well, one of the things that we really want to do is make stuff that's not like anything else out there. So, if there's something that people are requesting that is like other things out there, we direct them to the other thing. We don't say, "Oh, no, that's not for...
Danielle: That's when I have my dark days now, I think, "Okay if I was to tell myself three years ago, what was happening today, I would not believe our good fortune." So even today's bad day is better than our goods days just three years ago. I try to remember to tell myse...
This Wedding Accessories Company Uses Style Quizzes to Convert Customers The Growth Framework That Helped Brooklinen Build a $10 Million Business Sometimes Solving Your Own Problem Can Also Make You $184K The Signs of a Highly Giftable Product (And How This Trio Doubled Down) ...
Danielle: That's when I have my dark days now, I think, "Okay if I was to tell myself three years ago, what was happening today, I would not believe our good fortune." So even today's bad day is better than our goods days just three years ago. I try to remember to tell myse...
Danielle:So the consistency over that amount of time allows Google or Bing or any of the search engines, really, but let's just be honest, we're talking about Google to build the story. In that way, when you think about will this cause immediate effects? No, because the reason is bec...
Danielle:Thinking about how can we help out other small businesses. Not only that but how can we actually help people find what they're looking for and have a full life. What we really want to do is support them in having a full life. Yeah. There are ideas that people come up with...