English is spoken as a first language(语言)by most people in the USA, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But it is also used in many other 【1】. If you go to France(法国)or India, you will use English. It is used by travelers and business(生意)people all over the world...
Stonehenge — Can Anyone Explain Why It Is ThereStonehenge, a rock circle, is one of Brain’s most famous historical places and one of its greatest mysteries. Every year it receives more than 75,000 visitors. People like to go to this place especially in June as they want to see the su...
Türkiye is a very international place, and theholiday resorts on the south coastfeel barely Turkish sometimes. However, no matter where you go during the winter, you’ll be able to have an authentic experience.
Summer is in June, July and August. Autumn is in September, October and November. (1) In Britain, winter is___. A.longer than summer B.shorter than summer C.nearly the same as summer D.very different from summer [ ] (2) In the sentence“Britain has a mild winter”,“mild”...
21stJuneisthelongestdayoftheyearand22ndDecemberisthelongestnightoftheyearinthenorthernhemisphere(北半球). Thereareafew 19 ontheEarthwheretheseasonremainsthesamealltheyearround. NotallcountriesorplacesontheEarthhavethesameseasonatthesametime.WhenitiswinterinAmerica,itissummerinBrazil.WhenitiswinterinAustralia,it...
Australia is a southern country. It is in the south of the world. June, July and August are the winter months; September, October and November are spring; the summer is in December, January and February; March, April and May are the autumn months.A very large part of the country ha...
This is going to sound silly, but one of the most important things is that when we were recording in New York City, the studio was exactly 45 minutes away walking from the Airbnb we had rented. I have the best ideas when I'm walking or when I can't sleep. So each day, an ho...
Bills had been capped at 1,971 pounds ($2,320) a year, compared with about 1,200 pounds last winter. Under the revised price cap announced Friday, average household energy bills will jump to 3,549 pounds a year starting Oct. 1. They will go still higher when the price cap is ...
One has a destination in mind which can be found on a map. She can drive straight there surely without any wasted time of wrong turns. The other driver has no goal, or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drives aimles...
During thesolstices that mark summer and winter, the Earth is reaching the greatest angles of its axis. Typically on June 20 or 21, the summer solstice occurs in the Northern Hemisphere because this area of Earth is tilted toward the sun. The opposite happens on Dec. 21 or 22 with the ...