If you are a plus-size person and are putting on the Quarantine 15+, watch out forairlines to start weighing you. This cruel practice is a result of nosy busybodies in the Federal Aviation Administration who will not only have certain passengers be weighed before boarding, they will also add...
in which he tells them that as God the father has loved him, so he loves them. His command to his disciples is that they love one another. Jesus thensays this: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’
But science is not euro-centric or western. It is universal. This is recognised in the International Science Council’s definition of science as “rationally explicable, tested against reality, logic, and the scrutiny of peers this is a special form of knowledge”. It includes the arts, humani...
or shifted to the red end of thespectrum. In general, whether or not the radiation is within thevisible spectrum, "redder" means an increase in wavelength – equivalent to a lowerfrequencyand a lowerphotonenergy, in accordance with, respectively, thewaveandquantum...