Can absolute zero experiments be used to create perpetual motion?No, absolute zero experiments cannot be used to create perpetual motion as it violates the laws of thermodynamics. It is also impossible to reach absolute zero, so perpetual motion is not achievable....
If you want a Revolution, get up off your butt leave Canada and start one...Nobody is gonna fight back against the NWO. It's impossible to win. Even if you get rid of Porn, Sports, TV, and Pot. As far as Christians go, We Christians are too busy fighting the Good fight of Fai...
Admittedly this is a question of balance philosophy, but I think if an 11% change in damage received or dealt substantively alters the balance of the game it is a sign of a design problem. If your balance needs to be that finely tuned to work correctly, then almost every change in unit...
Technology: In computing, zero is the foundation of binary code, the language that computers understand. Without zero, our digital world would be impossible. Beyond the Numbers: Zero and the Nature of Reality Beyond its practical applications, zero invites us to think deepe...
Finally, and crucially, this calculation is derived from projections from wealthy Annex I countries, and poorer countries may claim higher shares of residual emissions as well as later net-zero dates. This would be in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and ...
Why, in a financial system, is an absolute-zero risk not desirable? Explain the LIBOR rate. Explain why many savings institutions experience financial problems at the same time. Why are banks not linking MCLR with the base rate, and wha...
He would always give people names and I was like, "All right, I'll take it. Life on Planets." I guess people think it's all about aliens and space, and it is. That's half of it, but I'm really into astrology, and I like to think of ideas and places and things ...
The absolute value function is always positive Answer and Explanation:1 Given the absolute value function: {eq}f(x) = |x| {/eq} According to the definition, since the absolute value function measures the distance... Learn more about this topic: ...
When a man is held accountable by someone he deeply respects, then he focuses harder and takes the right actions to get stellar results, even when it’s scary and seems damn near impossible. You can’t hide.You can’t play small.You can’t live with the excuses that you’ve suppressed...
I started playing the trumpet in school and I was playing a lot of classical stuff, a lot of sheet music and even stuff like (The Proclaimers') "500 Miles" and the "Mission Impossible" theme. I was in the school orchestra, so I guess that was my first live expe...