Abraham “Stinky” Foxman, head of the ADL, declares… “Blue & White Chanukah Lights are exempted from the new regulations, because Anti-Semitism is on the Rise in the USA, and as President Obama himself has declared, “We are all Jews now!”, and if you don’t believe it, just loo...
AND WHO ARE THE UNWORTHY according to this Zionist Jew Emanuel whose loyalties are to Israel first and his own kind? Senior citizens, the disabled, those with Alzheimer’s disease, pre-school children, those with Down syndrome, the mentally retarded, and those, (in Emanuel’s own words in ...
Why Christianity is considered as a monotheistic religion? While Christianity is known as a monotheistic religion,most Christians accept that the one God of their faith is represented by a Trinity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. ...
Witness this chat, which he participated-in alongside my discussion of the question, “Are Jews good for Western Civilization?” with Luke Ford. Halsey tries to act as if not the first word of what I say makes any sense, is worth any consideration (let alone hav...
It is the Lord alone who made us to differ; we should adore his pardoning mercy and new-creating grace, and give diligence to make our calling and election sure. Barnes' Notes on the BibleNay but, O man ... - To this objection the apostle replies in two ways; first, by asserting ...
My first sighting of the new world came from the back of the family station wagon, in the late afternoon as the slanting sun behind us lit up the city skyline with fierce and brilliant color. Now, of course, the vista of skyscrapers that awed me as a child is buried in the shadows ...
1) There is not Sunni in the world who has been able to refute this:Sahih al-Bukhari is the most authentic collection of hadiths in the SunnahSahih Bukhari:Narrated Jabir bin Samura: I heard Muhammad say "There will be twelve Muslim rulers." He then said
It was Abraham’s bosom, the waiting place of the just of the Old Testament. That’s where the Good Thief went with Jesus on the day of His Crucifixion; Jesus called it paradise because He would be there. JESUS SUBMITTED TO BAPTISM TO SHOW ALL MEN THAT IT’S NECESSARY TO BE BAPTIZED...
And, hey, having repressed it all, even I did not consciously “get it” when it first came out in September-October 2002… Or actually I did, but only on the subconscious level. And that is why only my body had a radical reaction to it as I left the...
Do you have any sources to show why today’s Jews are not of the House of Israel, I read the House of Israel is spiritual and holy, and only through Christ do you become the seed of Abraham. I find confusion on where the word Jew came from in the Bible, as it just came out ...