the wrinkles along his mouth , and his long , thin face . She thought that Lincoln would look much better if he grew a beard ( Back then , beards were often called whiskers . )On October 15 , 1860 , she wrote him a letter to...
Even when he tried to re-create a winning moment during the monologue, Kenan Thompson’s name was called instead and Chalamet had to sit in the audience and watch the comedian give his acceptance speech. Francesca Gariano Francesca Gariano is a New York City-based freelance journalist reporting...
Less than a month after Nikki Glaserjoked about his facial hair at the Golden Globes, Chalamet noted in his monologue that it was his first time hosting with a “little stache and a little goatee.” He even made a point to have the camera do a close up to capture all “37 hairs...
In a rueful look back at her prescient book, an author wrestles with why we shrugged at the nightmare warnings and hopes this time will be different.
I guess it also could have been "give Madonna's mid-late catalogue a second chance," depending on how you look at it. They're all important, LBR. Whatever the case, the movie is worth a watch (or a rewatch), and here's proof. Here, I have Sabrina Goes To Rome in chronologically...
"I think we've all fallen in love with the guy," says James Paxton, a Seahawks fan who dyed his goatee bright green and his mustache dark blue for the team's playoff run. "He gave us hope back." As a sports town, Seattle can't quite match the tortured history of citi...
His law office in a converted Pasadena home consists of himself, a receptionist, a paralegal, and his wife, Sandy. Burton has close-cropped gray hair and a thick goatee, and he is apt to wear Hawaiian shirts to the office. He sports tattoos, speaks directly, and is prone to swearing. ...
Once there, his understanding of the role deepened considerably. “They have a completely specific look. I could show you pictures on my phone of 15 of them: the goatee, the wraparound shades, the cap. And if they’re not wearing their cap, they’re wearing their hard hat because they...
A new device revolution is at hand: Just as mobile phones and tablets displaced the once-dominant PC, so wearable devices are poised to push smartphones aside.
This is where we go so wrong so often in the west. A mask is there for a reason. You don’t wear half an oven mitt to protect yourself from burns. It’s about personal responsibility and care for others. Only then can we beat this curse called COVID-19. No mask...