however, need to make sure that their fruits favour the animals most likely to do the distributing. Dr Fukano and Dr Tachiki propose that climacterism, or its absence, is a way to achieve this.
It is a seven-day race called "The Iditarod Trail". And participants stop at Takotna for the obligatory 24 hour rest. 这是一场为期七天的比赛,名为“艾迪塔罗德狗拉雪橇比赛”。参与者会在塔克哈纳停留24小时休息。 Lucky for them, Takotna is famous for its delicious fruit pies. 幸运的是,塔克哈...
Why is Eating Colorful Food Good for You?Most of us are faced with the same choice numerous times a day:what to eat.Along with price,and preference,we'll often use a food's healthfulness to help us make a decision.(1)___. It's widely accepted by researchers that we need a varied...
A. In this way, they can get animals to help spread their seeds. B. Fruit is sweet because trees are clever. C. Animals can get enough food. D. They eat apples and carry the seeds across the forest ...
The forest is important to animals,too. 森林对动物也很重要。 Many animals live in the forest and eat the fruit from the trees. 许多动物住在森林里,吃来自树上的果实。 They eat other plants, too. 他们也吃其他的植物。 And plants cover the soil. 植物还能保持水土。 That way, the wind and ...
At the forum, participants were welcome to taste the locally-produced Roxburgh rose juice. This small and sweet fruit has a remarkable history of fighting against rocky desertification. Rocky desertification, also known as "the earth cancer," refers to land degradation where vegetation is destroyed,...
Guizhou, a mountainous region, has overcome ecological degradation and severe economic distress to become what it is today. At the forum, participants were welcome to taste the locally-produced Roxburgh rose juice. This small and sweet fruit has a remarkable history of fighting against rocky deserti...
1.【答案】E【解析】根据第一段第一行“Thereislotsofdeliciousfruitinautumn. Manypeoplelikefruitbecauseitissweet.(秋天有许多美味的水果。许多人喜欢水果,因为它是甜的。)”和第三段第一行“Forsometrees, thekeytosurvivalisgrowingsweetfruits.(对于一些树木来说,生存的关键是结出甜美的果实。)”可知,此处是...
This is because he didn'tstudy hard.他考试不及格,是因为他学习不努力。(2)This is why+结果,意为“这就是……的原因”。例如:He didn't study hard. This is why he failed in theexam.他学习不努力,这就是他考试不及格的原因。即学即用(1)Tom overslept this morning. This ishewas late for ...
[题目]-Sally’s favorite is orange.-I see. That’s why all her sweaters are orange.A. fruitB. colorC. juice