but I really have to admit that there must not be a single meta spec that isn't a horrific waste of time to deal with. It's probably because I'm bad, or I'm too old to have the patience to deal with this kitten. Possibly both. ...
That's quite a bad enough story, and I could have easily stopped there and still had one of the most disturbing posts on this submission... but the investigation also found that his *next door neighbor* had abducted a girl back in the early '90s, and he still had her remains buried ...
个人觉得写的还不粗,给大家分享一下~ 分享1091 adamlambert吧 alidol 【新闻】Adam Lambert, The "Almost Idol"-by cbshttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/05/28/earlyshow/leisure/musi (CBS) Being number two is still sweet for Adam Lambert, who was 分享9赞 迈克尔杰克逊吧 为甚到此 本贴主要...
For the guy writing the compiler, it doesn't really matter at all whether that mechanism is invoked when parsing code inside or outside of another function--it's just a declaration, so when it sees enough to know that what's there is a declaration, it invokes the part of the compiler...
Here's a few gossips: first is that she had uploaded some slutty (or flirty) pics to her boyfriend and the images got spread out on the Internet, that's the main reason why haters exist, some say that she's the next Britney Spears cuz she's only 15 and she had bad influences on...
It feels as though, when the game is on the line, McDermott has been coaching his groupnot to lose. While that's fine, and can work on occasion, it's certainly not a strategy for a team looking to win a championship. Your coach should be calling plays in a manner that allows you ...
hashCode is not implemented, and so is the case with equals. This is in part due to a far larger rationale that is discussed in the mailing list archives, on whether AtomicInteger should extend Number or not. One of the reasons why an AtomicXXX class is not a drop-in replacement for a...
Among the four major bay areas, the GBA stands out as the most unique: with a combination of one country, two systems, and three customs territories making it an unparalleled global example. As one of the most open and economically dynamic regions in China, the GBA is gradually becoming a...
Add a comment -1 The most efficient solution as for now is using -webkit-line-clamp: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/-webkit-line-clamp You can specify number of lines to preserve, for example 1. Old solution based on min-width: 0 does not work on complex layouts...
in this casetestifyingthat the $420 price wasnota joke. But he has prolifically posted “420” comments and cited the number 69 — also a sexual position — ever since. Tesla lowered the price of the Model S to$69,420in 2020, and Musk is particularly fond of reminding everyone that his...