Why is 0 times infinity indeterminate? Zero is so small that it makes everyone vanish, but infinite is so huge that it makes everyone infinite after multiplication. In particular, infinity is the same thing as "1 over 0", so "zero times infinity" is the same thing as "zero over zero"...
Why infinity is equal to two times infinity? Explain why: a. \int^1_{-1} x^n dx = 0, when n is a positive, odd integer, and b. \int^1_{-1} x^n dx = 2 \int^1_0 x^n dx when n is a positive, even integer.
Similarly, lack of a unique limit for 0^0 does not imply that 0^0 is undefined. (Hmmm, I thought I’ve read a number of times that limits are always unique!) The “indeterminate form” 1^oo is simply being used as a sensible symbol or label for the category of limits where the ...
is that the present discounted value of its terminal financial wealth be non-negative in the limit as the time horizon goes to infinity: lim a ( s, v )e − v ∫t ( r ( u )+λ )du ≥ 0 v→∞ ___ 4 The notational convention is that k (s, v) ≡ ∂k (s, v) ....
‘splitting’ into infinitely many worlds. Indeed, some of them will not even see the point of ‘adding’ these worlds on top of the empirical adequacy of the standard theory. If the many-worlds theory makes the same predictions of standard quantum mechanics, but also postulates an infinity ...