Reliance on IQ tests can lead to race and class discrimination, but these intelligence quotient measurements are still routinely used to determine people’s educational opportunities. Some psychologists who study IQ acknowledge that the tests are not perfect, and our models of intelligence could be im...
It's called the "Flynn effect" -- the fact that each generation scores higher on an IQ test than the generation before it. Are we actually getting smarter, or just thinking differently? In this fast-paced spin through the cognitive history of the 20th century, moral philosopher James Flynn...
阅读理解。 While IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tells you how smart you are, EQ (Emotional Quotient) tells you how well you use your smartness. Professor Salovery, the psychologist who created the term, EQ, says that it is IQ that gets you hired bu
Confounded researchers who cannot explain why the scores are improving while achievement test scores drop; Discovery made when researchers scored past IQ tests with current standards; What the tests are actually measuring; Influence of environment on IQ test performance; Mental dexterity and the culture...
IQ scale explained So what is a good score on an IQ test? Is 120 IQ good? And what is a good score on an IQ test? Here’s what a standard IQ scale looks like: There are a number ofdifferent IQ classification tests and tablesthat, more or less, describe the same thing but use ...
Some people have high IQ scores, but still they can be poor thinkers and decision-makers. Keith Stanovich, a Canadian professor of human development and applied psychology, has been looking into the “clever fools” phenomenon for 15 years. He says IQ tests are very good at measuring certain...
Yet even IQ tests that assess aspects of intelligence that supposedly reflect creative abilities do not actually measure creativity. Recent work has argued that intelligence and creativity are more conceptually related than we have thought. In addition, creativity offers a potential way to counter ...
What are the three most important things that a good test needs, and why? A good test must have: 1. reliability 2. validity 3. objectivity Are intelligence tests biased? In thinking about the experiment you plan on proposing, would you use a posttest-only or pretest-p...
How accurate do you think IQ tests are? Do you think that someone's IQ score is a good reflection of their ability to function in the world? Explain. (Would your answer change if you knew that the person's IQ score was...
Conventional wisdom has it that there's a direct connection between our IQ and our ability to succeed in life. In school, we're ranked by our GPA. At certain points in grade school, students are given standardized tests that rank them against other students around the country. Schools are ...