In case it continues, next still step will be to uninstall Razer Chroma SDK as well. If the scenario persists, i'm totally out of ideas as reports are not showing anything else related to the booting process presenting errors. fsaenzd, Feb 26, 2024 #3 K KenKavanagh...
I do not know if I will have every-other upgrade issues like I did with earlier iCUE, I am hoping that but may change since one little bit of software is no longer controlling a shit ton of products. In a round about way, I could be much of the reason this happened. All of the...
overriding other rgb apps even when its told specifically not too.. Taking over devices i dont want associated with it.. i wish Corsair iCue could set motherboard and graphics card RGB.. Then i could uninstall dragoin center.. iCue works perfect 100% of the time.. Dragon center works ...
I talked to someone at microsoft and they had me uninstall and reinstall updates. I cannot reinstall an audio driver because the device manager list of devices does not even show sound as an option anymore. The rep I talked to finally said he had no more suggestions. I am not sure how...