They kept fresh food cold by storing it on windowsills (窗台板), blocks of ice, or even burying it in the garden. Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their parents. If you had lived 100 years ago, you might well be selling matchsticks (...
aBut 10,000 years ago, a marvelous event happened that set civilization into motion: the Ice Age ended. For reasons that we still do not understand, thousands of years of glaciation ended. This paved the way for the rise of agriculture. Horses and oxen were soon domesticated, which increased...
I’d seen it first on Instagram, or perhaps it was TikTok, where all the cool girls are getting cakes that look like they were plucked from the table of one of Judy Blume’s awkward-yet-adorable teen-girl protagonists, or dreamt up by a toddler on a sugar high. My actual childhood c...
and I ended up deleting them. I went back to the beginning and wrote Hannah’s story all the way through, from the first reason all the way to the 13th. That process took longer than expected, and—for a very brief moment—I considered calling it finished and submitting the manuscript ...
Besides, it's better to ask open-ended questions. If you ask visitors "Do you like our city?" They may say simply "Yes". On the other hand, if you ask, "What do you think of our city?" They would have more freedom to answer it. This kind of question also shows that you're ...
This is the tale of Gerda before she was called Icechaser. This is the tale of her love for her friend Kai, before the final winter seized the hearts of four kingdoms. This is the tale of the white sword, Brightbleeder, and the enthralling mirror, Chillglass, and the part they played...
and systematically re-examining all the assumptions that form the foundation of greenhouse-warming theory. I started simply trying to understand how the major warming at the end of the last ice age was precisely contemporaneous with the greatest volcanism recorded in Greenland ice. Large explosive ...
The dusty red planet has fascinated us for centuries. Even as we learn more, its mysteries keep us in suspense.
2013: Queens of the Stone Age, ... Like Clockwork Matador / Rekords Rekords 2013: Queens of the Stone Age,... Like Clockwork After one of the biggest layoffs of their career, Queens of the Stone Age ended a six-year drought with a definite artistic statement. Josh Homme stated that ...
“Whilst slow cruising through an iceberg 'graveyard' I was immediately attracted to the shape and texture of the hole, the sharp icicles and the patterned ice behind,” she says. “I knew instantly all that created the basis for a strong image. Initially the scene was empty and after ...