Bostrom N., "Why I want to be a Posthuman When I Grow up", Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity, Springer, 2008, pp. 107-137.Bostrom, Nick. 2008. Why I want to be a posthuman when I grow up. In Bert Gordijn and Ruth Chadwick (eds.) Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity. Berlin: ...
You’d want to keep as much of it for yourself as possible, so you’d set the rules to maximize your own personal advantage. Of course you would! That’s what anyone in their right mind would do, maximize their own power to keep it for as long as possible. ...
And then people can’t imagine what life was like before and would never want to go back. I’m always in favor of getting rid of what’s “natural” for something that’s better. Sleeping in caves is natural, and it’s really great that we found a better way. Riding horses is how...
Most humans are probably much more productive if they successfully convince themselves (their system 1) that they want to be productive than if they try to guilt-trip themselves into being productive. Here is another useful metaphor: System 1 is like a small child. If you tell a 2 year old...
Bostrom N. Why I Want to be a Posthuman when I Grow Up. In: Gordijn B, Chadwick R, editores. Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity. Springer; 2008. p. 107-136.Why I Want to be a Posthuman When I Grow Up." In The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the ...