If you’re gearing up to have anal sex for the first time, you’ve probably got some questions. Chief among them: Is anal sex poop a real thing? Ready for it?...Yep, it might happen. But before you freak out, rest assured that there are things you can do make it less of a, ...
Dogs eating rabbit poop is a common and repulsive problem for many pet owners. Learn what causes this behavior and how to prevent it with these easy and helpful tips.
That chemical,stercobilin, is a product of the breakdown ofhemoglobin– an iron-containing protein in red blood cells that allows oxygen to be transported around the body. Without sercobilin, your poop would probably look pale or even white. That’s because most of the chemicals that give foo...
Black, tarry poop with an unusually bad smell is often a sign that you have bleeding in your esophagus, stomach, or the top part of your small intestine. The blood turns black and tarry when it's digested in your gastrointestinal tract. If you have bleeding lower in your digestive tract,...
Consider reaching out to a healthcare provider to see what might be causing you to poop more frequently. You should especially seek advice if you experience increased amounts of bowel movements in combination with a fever or blood in your stool. ...
The only time to be concerned and see/call a doctor is when your stools are coming out as liquid, containing blood or if you’re finding it painful to poo. Want to feel fresher on-the-go after a period toilet trip? Check out our organic intimate wipes! You may also like… 9 Foods...
If your baby has an allergy, you may also see streaks of blood in their poop. If they have a food intolerance, they may be gassy and unusually fussy. In either case, their green poop may also be frothy, and they may be gassy and spitting up. Green foods. Once your baby is eating...
Get an Antibodies Test. Antibodies are proteins your body makes to help fight off an infection. The only way to know for certain if you've had COVID-19 isto have your blood tested to see if you have the antibodies that fight the virus. ...
This aspect of my life has always been a bit controversial. There are people who accept it even if they are not into it, and people who are disgusted just at the thought. My way of approaching new play partners has completely changed over the years because I now see scat as a very in...
Have poops that are smooth and about the shape of a banana, not too hard and not too soft. Color should be an even medium brown with no visible bits of food, fat, blood or mucus. Smell should be fairly neutral, not overly unpleasant. The more points you answer “yes” to above, ...