NOTE: Joseph points out in the comments that the photo below is not a mezuzah but a megillah. I have crossed out what I wrote before and added what seems to be the correct information. This shows that I am not a very good Jew! Below is a very fancymezuzah, a container affixed to d...
I know exactly how 9/11 was done and I’m certain it’s secretly taught in every Chabad House but the internet forum board moderators, many of whom are Jews, don’t want me to express myself and quickly remove my posts or delete those critical parts that prove 9/11 was an inside jo...
38 “See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 “for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say,`Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!'” (Mat 23:37-39) — Looks like the Messiah will only return when the Jewish leadership will call for His coming ...
doeshumanresourcesdosuchabadjob--andhowcanwefixit? 在知识经济时代,只有拥有最优秀人才的公司才能立于不败之地,因此发掘、培育和发展人才成为 企业最重要的任务之一。然而为什么我们的HR部门的工作总是不尽如人意呢?我们又将如何去解 决? Well,here'sarockin'party:agatheringofseveralhundredmidlevelhuman-resourcesex...
Maybe one day, we can tip the scale in how we treat people, so we can make more good things happen for those who deserve it! References: