刚刚看了前两章,作者拒绝认同为feminist,主要是因为她觉得现在这种渴望让所有人都成为女权主义者的feminism是流于表面的,是不能让这个社会变得更好的。作者认为,推进universal feminism ("everyone should be a feminist")的方法无非是通过rebranding feminism,或者是劝说人们相信identify as feminists会让他们的生活更好。
作者给出了自己的答案,这也是为什么书的标题是why i am not a feminist的原因,作者想跟一般的女权主义者区分开来。这本书对我来讲很有启发性。另外值得注意的一点是书的副标题a feminist manifesto。 1 有用 kiyo 2020-12-09 01:42:53 當注意到把「the patriarchy to unmake itself」翻譯成「父權制度自我...
I argue that, not only is it unjust, it is also both a cause and a consequence of harmful stereotypes and prejudices about male and female sexuality: (1) men are ‘always up for sex’; (2) women’s sexual purity is more important than men’s; (3) sex is something men do to ...
National Ugly Mugs (NUM) is a UK-wide violence prevention and victim support charity that provides a mechanism for sex workers to share safety information and obtain support for harms that they may experience during the course of their work. Over the past several years, NUM has witnessed a de...
I felt most free in those moments of communion with my body, in my present and in being present with my students. Enacting feminist pedagogy together. They were a gift to me this previous summer, and I hope the class was also in some small way, a gift to them as well. ...
Thanks, Henry for your latest article about Porn, which is a form of a political tool to control men. I just want you to know that while the world is falling apart, I am grateful for all that you write. Twenty years ago you opened my eyes to the Jewish cabal, the enemy of the Ca...
Dame Athene Donald tells THE about calling out unacceptable behaviour with empathy and reflects on her legacy as outgoing master of Churchill College
“Feminism isn’t necessary for me. Cooking for my husband is something I enjoy doing.” Previously, I would have agreed with a lot of statements like this. I used to think feminists only hurt themselves and others, and I proudly declared that I was not a feminist. ...