InAtomic Habits, I wrote, “Humans are herd animals. We want to fit in, to bond with others, and to earn the respect and approval of our peers. Such inclinations are essential to our survival. For most of our evolutionary history, our ancestors lived in tribes. Becoming separated from th...
Research shows 1 in 3 people would avoid change altogether if they could. There are a number of reasons why we find change hardOur brains have evolved to find comfort in familiarity, certainty and control over our circumstances. But without change, we can become stagnant and miss out on ...
另一个因素就是你衣服的颜色。 This one might seem absurd, but mosquitoes use vision (along with scent) to locate humans, so wearing colors that stand out, like black, dark blue or red may make you easier to find and then more likely to be bitten. 这一点看起来很荒谬,但是实际上蚊子是利...
Some dogs will experienceseparation anxietywhen their humans are away, which could lead to them destroying things, chewing furniture, peeing indoors, or even trying to escape or run away. Dogs with separation anxiety might not know how to handle their nerves, or might try to make friends and ...
Avoid cliché phrases like "Everything happens for a reason" or "He's in a better place," and instead offer genuine support and practical help. Losing a loved one is always excruciating, and many struggle over what to say when someone dies. The last thing that most people want to do is...
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason. By Elizabeth Kolbert The vaunted human capacity for reason may have more to do with ...
One of thetheoriesbehind the default effect is that humans are hardwired to avoid loss. We feel a strong aversion to any kind of loss. This aversion is so strong that it can override our logical thinking and lead us to stick to what seems like the safest path. ...
Humans are very good at considering what might go wrong人类非常善于考虑可能出现的问题If we try something new, say, ask for a raise如果我们尝试新事物,比如说,要求加薪。but但是We don't often consider我们不经常考虑is the atrocious cost是可怕的代价of the status quo.现状的。Not不是Not changing ...
Dr. Klaper has a great video explaining why some humans have trouble being vegan. Their body was slathered with saturated animal fats for so many years, and all of a sudden, they stop. Social issues are a major reason for vegan challenges. Many friends, relatives, and co-workers are eithe...
How to Avoid the Bandwagon Effect Minimizing the bandwagon effect can be a difficult process. Groupthink is difficult to escape, as are the biases that humans are socially prone to having. There are three steps you can take to minimize the bandwagon effect. ...