HubSpot makes it easy to manage your marketing, sales, and customer support—all in one place. Start winning more customers and growing your business from day one. Get started free Get a demo Why choose ...
Another similar method is offering an interactive tool, such as the HubSpot Website Grader. The Website Grader is a free online tool that visitors can use to grade their websites against key metrics and discover ways to improve them. To use the tool, visitors must submit their email — wh...
Another similar method is offering an interactive tool, such as the HubSpot Website Grader. The Website Grader is a free online tool that visitors can use to grade their websites against key metrics and discover ways to improve them. To use the tool, visitors must submit their email — wh...
Long-lasting cookie life means affiliates can receive credit for a purchase made within a year of an affiliate link click (as HubSpot reports). This model recognizes the long B2B buying process. 7. ConvertKit Just as ConvertKit helps creators grow their business through email marketing, their su...
You are a huge business with 100 + employees (then you need SalesForce or HubSpot) What is Keap? Keapis a business organization and optimization tool that puts control of your business back in your hands by freeing up your time to focus on what really matters. ...
Hubspot did a great inforgraphic on social commerce revenue and found that 82% of the top 25 commerce companies are using a social login option. This article also shows some commerce and social login stats. They found that 40% of...
According to HubSpot,57 percent of the consumers surveyedwatch live videos three times a week, and their favorite platforms to view them? Yes, you probably guessed it, social media, with YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram being the favorites. ...
Provide your clients with a place to manage their entire digital strategy, all under your brand. Be the only trusted expert your clients will ever need Small businesses already have a lot on their plate, so help them keep things simple! Give them one place where they can take control of ...
Why does the divorce rate climb steeply when a long commute is involved?In this post,HubSpotco-founder Dharmesh Shah suggests several possible reasons: 1. One partner may have to take a job closer to home, especially if they have kids. ...
Eventually, you might reach the point with the proliferation of your product or service in the market that it makes sense to create an academy with courses and certifications that offers users in-depth product and methodology training, as we've done withHubSpot Academy. Whatever the specific siz...