Such a revolution in US healthcare would be fiercely resisted. Drug prices have only risen since the last time Sanders led a trip to buy drugs in Canada, for women with breast cancer 20 years ago. Many of the diabetic patients on the trip — not all of them Sanders supporters — admired...
High Drug Prices are a National Crisis •45 million Americansdid not fill prescriptions in 2016 because of cost. • The top 20 Medicare drugs have risenten times the rate of inflationover the past five years. • Specialty drugs and biologics for treating cancer, Hepatitis C, and many au...
[E] According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs have risen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall health-care spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more...
Medicare’s costs have risen more slowly than those of private health insurance. Medicare provides better access to care, better financial protection and higher patient satisfaction. Although many have negative feelings toward government, and examples of government inefficiency and incompetence exist, the ...
Any drug delivered to the brain more quickly is more addictive. Free-base nicotine basically does for smokers what crack does to cocaine users. Here's where it gets interesting. Some brands of commercial cigarettes have been found to contain 10 to 20 times the amount of free-base nicotine ...
2). The underlying causes of the affordable housing crisis have not substantially changed in over 50 years. While the rate of homeownership has risen and fallen, it is much the same overall . That ...
And in other news electricity prices are set to soar and the NHS has already got its begging bowl out for another 600 million to cover a difficult winter on top of the same amount given in April. When will someone have the guts to stand up to them and demand efficiencies. ...
Under capitalism people are claimed to own themselves, but this is purely formal as most people do not have independent access to resources. And as they have to use other peoples’ resources, they become under the control of those who own the resources. In other words, private property reduce...