In most cases, your doctor will suspect a low pressure headache if you have had a spinal tap, surgery on your spine, or trauma to your head and neck. Sometimes, though, it may be caused by a sneeze you stifled, a violent cough, or some other injury you didn't know you had. You ...
Thecommon coldcan be a near-constant companion for young children, with some studies indicating that kids can catch as many as eight colds per year.1It's no wonder then that it can feel like little ones have a never-endingrunny noseduring the cool-weather months. Although a cold isn't ...
YouTube Really Is A Turd Free is Killing Us. Blame The VCs I believe it should be possible to start a small business and to have a small number of profitable customers, and to earn a living. From there, it should be possible to work hard, and to grow your business into something...
I'm reasonably certain that cold showers are helpful to health at a cellular level. But this isn't why I take them. I begin every day with a cold shower because I believe doing so sets me up to have a purposeful day. By enduring and even embracing the initial discomfort of getting pe...
‘Why is your chief so violent about the Jews. I can quite understand being angry with Jews who have done wrong or are against the country, and I understand resisting them if they try to monopolize power in any walk of life; but what is the sense of being against a man simply because...
I grew up in Northern Idaho, where IQs are generally room temperature and it's socially acceptable to drink whiskey mixed with cough syrup for breakfast. My family moved there from California when I was seven and decided to buy a couple horses in order to embrace the Idahoan lifestyle. We...
Remember in my last post I talked about the potty training hell we’ve been having? Trust me, I can almost guarantee you that my little toddler is more dramatic and stubborn than any other kid out there. I have NO IDEA where she gets that from *cough cough*. ...
So I quietly stood by his side and pretended not to notice that I was feeding him one bite at a time. And his head was turned away from me, and he opened and chewed as if the food was floating in the air into his mouth as it always had. The weeks following have been difficult ...
Full disclosure: I have a bad digestive system and really am not supposed to eat nuts and seeds. But I make an exception every once in a while for Goobers, which are far more delicious than anything called “Goobers” has any right to be. ...
In Miami, plastic surgeons have perfected the art of creating ‘six-pack’ abs, a technique initially developed in South America by pioneering surgeons. The procedure isn’t just for fitness enthusiasts who’ve plateaued with their workout results. It’s also for patients who’ve lost a ...