T. MannThe Market Mogul
An analysis of more than 150 studies on wealth and happiness concluded that "economic indicators have obvious shortcomings" as approximations of well-being across nations. That’s partly because in an expanding economy, in which former luxuries such as washing machines become necessities, the newly ...
offers many possibilities. one leading manufacturer, for example, is using less water in its finishing process in an effort to guard against climate change-damaging cotton crops. and a major brewer seeking to reduce its water footprint has launched a water stewardship camp...
E Once the exclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become an institutionalised way of life for most of the population. In fact, McIntosh and Goeldner (1990) suggest that tourism has become the largest commodity in international trade for many nations and, for a significant...
For those of a certain age and generation, mention of the Persian Gulf conjures images of war — or at least the threat of conflict breaking out in what has become a turbulent neighborhood in recent years. But for most of its history, this sliver of water has been more of s ...
Historically, what commodities tended to become money? What is the difference between commodity money and fiat money? What are the main functions of money? What characteristics of an asset make it useful; 1. As a medium of exchange? 2. As a store of value? What are the 3 most ...
With growing awareness of potential crises—whether natural disasters, economic downturns, or health emergencies—many families are looking to stock up on long-lasting food options. This surge in demand, coupled with supply chain disruptions and increased production costs, has driven prices higher. Add...
MarketWatchprovides up-to-date price quotes, headlines, and commentary. The site has an active link on its landing page showing the price of crude. The Reuters news service is another free site with acommodity-specific portionthat shows current prices. CNBC.com, too, has apage dedicated to ...
The precise focus and mechanism of the rationales blaming high fertility for poverty has evolved over time, but the “Demographic Dividend” has become the most influential over the past two decades. The Demographic Dividend is an economic theory that draws connections between family planning programs...
Cyclic Materials, a Kingston-based rare earth recycler, helps businesses access rare earths taken from old products. Over the past few years, Kingston has become a major home of recyclers due to its connections to universities, government and the resources industry. Their business model...