Scruitineer: Why the FTSE100 has got stuck in a shunt to nowhereBILL JAMIESON
With a range of investing accounts, get started today with as little as £1. Capital at risk. All investing should be for the longer term. The value of your investments can go up and down, and you may get back less than you invest.Get...
For the most part, these top Canadian dividend ETFs have similar dividend yields, with the exception of DGRC which has a low yield of 2.12% VDY’s top 10 holdings make up 70% of the entire fund assets so it is highly concentrated to the top 10 holdings and perhaps not as diversified ...
Source: Bloomberg, FTSE and AB 3. Hedging into US dollars can boost low yields. Why invest globally when so much of the global government bond market is trading with lower yields? Because, depending on the differences between countries’ short-term interest rates, currency hedging can ...
So if the FTSE goes up, the value of my fund goes up. But at the end of the year, this isn’t crystallised in any sense. The value of the stock market continues to rise and fall. It is not like a bank account where interest is actually paid to you and added to your account ...
Similarly, you’ll often hear investors say things like:“I believe Brazil, Russia, India, and China are set to dominate growth over the next decades and are cheap”. Perhaps you’d be right to say so, but you would also be saying that you know something the rest of the world has no...
Only 33 companies from the FTSE 100 have bothered to inform him of their plans. And, of the 93 new board seats up for grabs since February, only 21 have gone to women. The number of women on FTSE 100 boards has only risen from 12.5 per cent to 14.2 per cent, and from 7.8 per ...
Byline: LISA BUCKINGHAM AT the time, it was hailed as a bold but foolhardy move. A year ...By BuckinghamLisa