and you can't use them when it is lost. Sometimes, the taskbar icons disappear on Windows 10/11, which baffles your mind. Don't worry; please read this article to fix those problems quickly.
I'm trying to install Win11 24H2 but see some strange thing... But is there the VBox's bug? And icons and fonts are dancing on taskbar. Any suggestions?
My Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10 has gone very strange. I have no Favorites Bar; I know how to toggle it on and off, but it will not come back my Favorites are still there in the Favorites Menu bar tab (Menu Bar and Status Bar appears to be the o...
: I'm using Windows 11. After about an hour of using my laptop, the WiFi suddenly stops working and the icon disappears from my laptop. In this image the WiFi symbol is supposed to be first, but just disappeared. This has happened before as well. And an expert told me it's... My...
Alternatively, if you have a second monitor, use it without a Taskbar and then just throw problem windows over to it. Win-Shift-CursorRight. In my case my tablet is always in Portrait orientation and has my Taskbar so what I would like is for more apps to consider where they were last...
3. Why did my Outlook shortcuts disappear? If your Outlook shortcuts disappeared, it might be because you accidentally deleted them or a software glitch. You can try to create new shortcuts or use outlook.exe /resetnavpane to reset the Outlook navigation pane....
How to change the DNS server to Google’s public option in Windows On Windows 11: Go toSettings>Network & Internet>Advanced network settings, then clickMore network adapter optionsunderRelated settings. Skip to step 3. On Windows 10, typeethernetorWi-Fi(depending on your connection) into the...
If you right click on the clock in the Windows taskbar, the Task Manager item is grayed out: Or, if you try to run taskmgr.exe manually, you get this message: So, how did this happen? As we’ll see in a moment, there are settings you can access as an administrator that would ...
If you right click on the clock in the Windows taskbar, the Task Manager item is grayed out: Or, if you try to run taskmgr.exe manually, you get this message: So, how did this happen? As we’ll see in a moment, there are settings you can access as an administrator that would ...
Windows has Scheduled Tasks. Why not just setup a scheduled task? You updater applet could just check for the update, and then exit. Schedule it in Windows to run once a week or whatever. So, why don't developers do this? I'm not a Win32 expert, but I would thinks that it is ...