Why Grow Up? | Susan Neiman | MacmillanWhy Grow Up | Susan Neiman | MacmillanMacmillan
苏珊·奈曼(Susan Neiman),爱因斯坦论坛的负责人,2014年斯宾诺莎奖获得者。她的著作曾被译成多种文字,包括《道德明晰:成年理想主义者指南》(Moral Clarity: A Guide for Grownup Idealists)、《现代思想中的邪恶:另类 哲学史》(Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy)、《理性的统一》(The...
Pitched her product10 directly to Neiman Marcus buyers, securing initial distribution Bootstrapped11 the company without outside investment Became the youngest self-made female billionaire12 in 2012 Indra Nooyi: Strategic Transformation (image via Wikipedia; CC-BY-SA 2.0) During Indra Nooyi’s 12-...