Looking around at the lost in this world, I am reminded once again that there is nothing I can personally do to change a heart. Only Jesus can do that. And…He will do it in his timing, when it is right for that individual. There is great sorrow and loneliness in this world. Lonel...
The machine I’m using to write these words is powered by a nationwide network of enormous fires that never go out, oil and gas burning under huge chimneys, set in blackened and grassless landscapes – but these fires are invisible. So are the big burning pools of petrol that power vehicl...
In particular, bald cypress provides habitat for native species, such as the American alligator, leopard, grass fTroregess, beavers, otters, the endangered Florida panther, and nesting birds [34]. The removal of bald cypresIns forershlowgagteirngforpeustrepdowseestlacnadnsd(ir.ea.s, tsiwcaa...