Dim data = New JObject From {{"name", nextFolderName}, {"mimeType", "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"}} If currentFolderId IsNot Nothing Then data.Add(New JProperty("parents", New JArray(currentFolderId))) Using content = New StringContent(data.ToString, Encoding.UTF8, "...
After using Drive not only on my Android (i.e.,Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra), but myiPhone 15 Pro Max, I've concluded that Drive — across all platforms — stinks. 3 reasons why Google Drive is trash Forget about all the reports that claim thatfiles have been disappearing from Google Drive...
On my iPad I actually have the Chrome browser installed for when I want to use Google Drive, Docs and etc... The Google APPS seem to work better with Chrome. All you need to do is enter the Google Drive link and sign in with your Google Account. https://drive.google.com/drive/my...
Since you do not have write permission to this file, Google has chosen to prevent you from making any modifications to the file. However, there is a workaround where you can hide the file from your Google Drive account by finding it in the "shared with me" location, right-clicking the ...
It is only he first scan after granting permissions that does not work. I do not see this on the iOS devices that I am testing. Have you found a solution to this problem? EDIT: See the thread below. Reverting to ZXing.Net.Mobile 2.3.2 and ZXing.Net.Mobile.Forms 2.3.2 fixed the ...
Edge is Alway on top of the other windows Windows 10 Edge missing minimize and close selection in top right corner _ [_] X Edge Not Opening Websites Edge not updating its Enterprise Mode site list Edge Opening New Window Instead of a New Tab Edge PDF viewer doesn't work as expected ...
Winner: Google Drive When you just want a little bit of storage space from your cloud storage service, Google Drive is the better selection, as it has 15 GB of space for free, while Dropbox only offers 2 GB. Now, we did not put a lot of emphasis on this category in our Google Dri...
In my opinion, the Google Drive for Desktop is a must-install app for people who use Google Workspace with Windows or macOS systems. If you’ve installed and used Drive for Desktop, what has your experience been? Have you found the updated and consolidated app to work smoothly on your mac...
I upload it to Google Drive. No more restrictions -- people can print the document, copy pieces or all of it and move it to where ever they want. What's wrong? TOPICS Create PDFs Views 294 Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete...
experience when surfing the internet. Ever since the crowd swiftly moved from Internet Explorer, Google Chrome has become a household default. Chrome is undoubtedly user-friendly, but it has its own issues. It tends to get slow if numerous tabs are open, occupies a lot of RAM, and whatnot...