这支队伍不幸被埋伏了, 被三方包围, 在一片混乱中,只见斯文森队长 冲入熊熊火焰, 抢救伤员, 拖回死者的尸体。 其中一个被救者是一位中士, 他和他的一位战友那时 正在赶去一架医疗直升机的路上。 这一天特别的是, 非常巧, 这一天一位医疗队员的 头盔上正好装有GoPro的相机, 而且捕捉了事件的整个过程。
why good leaders make you feel safe Good leaders are those who not only lead their team with strategic vision and a clear mission but also prioritize their members' safety and security. Research suggests that leaders who make their team members feel safeand secure in the workplace tend to ...
I could get in trouble or lose my job." All she was telling me is that she doesn't feel safe. All she was telling me is that she doesn't trust her leaders. The reason we like flying Southwest Airlines is not because they neces...
'Artist:MilowSong:You don't Know sometimes everything seems awkward and large imagine a Wednesday evening in march future and past at the same time I make use of the night and start drinking a lot a...' 伊拉克小型企业复苏 (2) 这位小型企业主在美国军队控制的更安全的区域——巴格达的格林地...
leadership work About the speaker Simon Sinek Leadership expert See speaker profile Simon Sinek explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. He's the author of the classic "Start With Why." Learn more Leaders Eat Last
| Why good leaders make you feel safe 西蒙西·内克 | Simon Sinek, 2014 00:00:11 大名鼎鼎的 There's a man by the name of Captain 00:00:14 威廉·斯文森队长, William Swenson 00:00:16 他被国会授予荣誉奖章, who recently was awarded the congressional Medal of Honor 00:00:19 因为他在 ...
All she was telling me is that she doesn't feel safe. All she was telling me is that she doesn't trust her leaders. The reason we like flying Southwest Airlines is not because they necessarily hire better people. It's because they don't fear their leaders. 6:06 You see, if the ...
Let’s Begin… What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety — especially in an uneven economy — means taking on big responsibility....
Why good leaders make you feel safe 0:11 There's a man by the name of Captain William Swenson who recently was awarded the congressional Medal of Honor for his actions on September 8, 2009. 0:24 On that day, a column of American and Afghan troops were making their way through a part...
The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people, but some people think that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 ...