Why is the amphibian heart better than the fish heart? Why are amphibians considered a unique evolutionary group? Why is phylogeny called the foundation of taxonomy? What makes a wood frog an amphibian? Why do fish and amphibians produce so many eggs? Why do amphibians have red blood? Why ...
Why are many amphibian species endangered? Why are amphibians good early warning devices for water pollution? Why do coconuts have three holes? How are frog, chick, and mouse eembryonic development different? Why are birds and amphibians great indicator species? Why are vernal pools important to ...
The group didn't collect the frog, and it is not known whether the fungus grew from within the frog's body or on the skin surface. Some mycologists suspect the amphibian picked up the fungus following an infection or wound— leaving a pitted area that the fungus coul...
As we shall see, these inherited commitments help explain why there is no mammal species in which parental care is provided solely by the male, even in habitats where mammals live alongside fish and frog species whose males are the sole providers of parental care. We can thus redefine the ...
One of the most bizarre members of the Amphibia class is the axolotl. This strange animal looks more like a fish from science fiction than an actualamphibian! Native to just a few lakes inMexico City, their numbers in the wild are diminishing due to habitat loss, but their popularity in ...
Some functions within an ecosystem will be carried out by more than one species, and it's true that the UK's six other native amphibian species (the common frog, pool frog, common toad, natterjack toad, smoothnewtand palmate newt), all contributeecosystem servicesin similar ways. Yet it i...
And here are two individuals of thestrawberry poison-dart frog(Oophaga pumilio). These are examples of the variety called the “blue jeans morph” (for obvious reasons). They also have an enclosed butterfly tent. I snapped one good picture, but haven’t been able to identify the species (...
(Aldabrachelys hololissa). There also exist species which were considered extinct at one point of time, but were later discovered in the wild; Holdridge’s toad and Vegas Valley leopard frog are the best examples of the same. While rediscovery of a species is no doubt something to rejoice ...
What is a group of cane toads called? Do cane toads hibernate? What do cane toads eat? What eats cane toads? Is a cane toad a reptile? Why are goliath frogs endangered? What is a cane toad's habitat? Why is the mountain chicken frog endangered? How high can cane toads jump? How ...
The most anterior portion of the leopard frog brain is/are the: a. olfactory lobes b. cerebrum c. optic lobes What is the largest of the cranial nerves and the most important sensory nerve of the face? A. Accessory nerve (XI) B. Faci...