a不知道为什么,冬天也会下这么大的雾。马上就是圣诞节了,班里给我下了制作板报的任务。 Why doesn't know, in the winter also under the meeting the such big fog.Was immediately the Christmas day, in the class has gotten down the manufacture blackboard newspaper duty for me.[translate]...
It’s not your imagination. Fall really is the foggiest season of the year. We endure huge swings in daily conditions as summer fades to winter. These constant lurches from sultry to brisk make fog a fixture around this time of year. But what is it about fall wea...
For rain to be produced, the water condensing in the clouds has to become so heavy that it will fall to Earth, or else the tiny droplets will just stay suspended in the cloud, in the same way we see fog just hang there.要产生雨水,云里凝结的水要足够重才能落到地面,否则这些小水滴就会...
WHY?'s mind meld is all the more impressive considering they left their jerry-rigged home setup for Minneapolis' Third Ear studio, in the winter, and added Fog members Andrew Broder and Mark Erickson to the lineup. Over 20 days, the thermometer never cracked zero. There were hot toddies ...
(when forest-fires are not raging) arevastlydifferent. Ok so the quick answer is: It's the cold Canadian air, specifically the shallower, drier and cleaner "Polar Continental" air-mass created throughout most Boreal regions. In winter months this includes most of the prairies down to the ...
"Why Do Drivers Maintain Short Headways in Fog. A Driving-Simulator Study Evaluating Feeling of Risk and Lateral Control During Automated and Manual Car Following." Ergonomics 55 (9): 971- 985.Saffarian, M., R. Happee and J. De Winter. Why do drivers maintain short headways in fog? A...
I hold on to the hope that God will lead us, enough of us at least, to love our neighbors as ourselves in the next four years. That is the second great commandment. This would be change that is good. As a Christian I know that the basis for that change is the first command, to...
Cascades frog(Rana cascadae) – I think their skin is somewhat toxic to the touch, but I might be wrong: This is a “find the animal” photo – there are actually two mammals here, sharing a habitat in the fog that’s so frequent in Washington’s mountains: ...
with cold fronts expected in mid-January,Ma Xuekuan,chief weather forecaster at the National Meteorological Center,told China Daily on Friday.“Recent wet air,increasing pollutants and little wind mean haze is formed easily.When cold snaps bring winds,haze and fog will be blown away,” Ma said...
However, polytunnels have a problem with condensation and need thermal anti-fog covers to solve this problem. A greenhouse is better with heat retention, and it allows more light inside than the polytunnel. Durability Both the greenhouse and polytunnel can last for many years, but a greenhouse...