But like bees, amphibians and butterflies, fireflies are disappearing. While the exact reason isn't known, three main factors are suspected: Habitat loss, toxic chemicals (which tend to linger in aquatic environments where fireflies start their lives) and light pollution. According toFirefly.org: ...
Fireflies, (aka lightning bugs, glow flies, moon bugs, etc.) have been on the decline over the years and their numbers have grown more scarce across the globe. The reasons for this according toFarmer's AlmanacandFirefly.orgare basically three-fold 1) light pollution, 2) pesticide use, and...
It's inevitable as populations grow. More people need more places to live and work. That means more of the natural habitats for fireflies (and many other creatures) are reduced. Which in turn means their numbers will decrease.BUT, there is something we can do. And in fact, our EastTexas...
It's inevitable as populations grow. More people need more places to live and work. That means more of the natural habitats for fireflies (and many other creatures) are reduced. Which in turn means their numbers will decrease.BUT, there is something we can do. And in fact, our EastTexas...
One of my favorite things to do on a summer night is sit in the yard and watch the fireflies come out. I find it magical how those little bugs can light up
Jul 2014 TED2014 Sara Lewis: The loves and lies of fireflies 13:51Jun 2014 TEDxColumbus Chris Domas: The 1s and 0s behind cyber warfare 16:45Jun 2014 TEDGlobal 2013 Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen 09:58Jun 2014 TEDxStanford Ge Wang: The DIY orchestra of ...