Digital Photography is now good enough that there is no reason for most people to ever want a film camera again. I compare the advantages and disadvantages of digital cameras vs. traditional film cameras so you can decist if digital is right for you.
I am not like some old photographers (we call them “old witch” in China)who always boast the film rules and films are better than digital forever crap. I use films for its low efficiency that you have to try to keep every photo worth the inconvenience and reach the best level. Unlike...
But thing is, if done right (and this isn't an easy task), I can invert the negative and get a final result I really like with something like Filmomat SmartConvert that has literally three controls for the picture and three more for WB. With digital I need to spend countless hours ma...
aThe central theme of Kodak’s consumer strategy was to provide ease-of-use. “For Kodak, digital photography is all about ease of use and helping people get prints—in other words, getting the same experience they're used to from their film cameras,” said Martin Coyne, head of Kodak’...
Long before the cutting-edge stuff happens, computers do a lot more work than film ever did. But can you still call it a photograph? In the olden days, you'd take a photo by exposing light-sensitive film to a scene. Any fiddling with photos was a laborious effort in the darkroom. D...
If you want to compare actual optical prints, which lets film look much better than simply scanning it, ISO 100 film is much better than even a digital Leica M8.When doing film vs. digital comparisons, I prefer to compare like to like, and compare larger formats of film, as shot by ...
I don't have many Fuji mount primes because I love to shoot with vintage film lenses. My favorite film lenses are the Canon FD 50mm f1.4, the Canon FL 58mm f1.2, the Leitz Dual range Summicron f2.0 and the Leitz Summicron 90mm f2.0. Doug MacMillan's gear list: Fujifilm X-E3 Fuji...
Microfilm scanning is a fast and efficient way to digitize and share document as well as newsprint microfilms.
It’s not Wormwood, which is five hours long. But the themes are very powerful and deep and interesting. I don’t see it as slight in any way, so I would respectfully disagree. I think one person says it and then it just gets repeated endlessly. The film is abou...
no matter whether they were originally digital or film images. This is why Polaroids are literally just snapshots: they won't last. But negatives, if stored correctly (i.e. at room temperature, hidden from harsh lights), can be reused to bring your old pictures back to life. And as deve...