Once you find a brand without added sugar and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, get creative: Add it to oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, baked goods, toast or fruit. Sardines Per 4-ounce serving: 25 grams protein, zero carbs, 11 grams fat. Don’t be too quick to judge sardines. Part of...
I am a meat eater, only organic, grass fed meats, the rest of my diet is organic vegetables, healthy animal and plant fats (that are not hydrogenated through high heat) and some fruits. Very little sugar. My B12, cholesterol, Vit D, magnesium, calcium etc. are perfect, which has been...
If you noted on the label above, a typical energy drink contains 28 g of Carbohydrates and 27 g of Sugar. This is the same as drinking pure sugar-water. Consumption of extra carbohydrates, cause a sudden spike of blood glucose then as suddenly a crash. In other words drinking this much ...
a. Ice cream coldness excites water receptors in the mouth, which is also inherently pleasurable.3 This is one reason why, after eating ice cream, you become thirsty; you activate the water receptors for thirst but don't actually drink any water, so the dehydration becomes worse and your ...
Even when we’re just thirsty and finally drink water, dopamine releases and gives the brain a ‘reward.’ Then, that reward tells the brain “this is good, remember to do this again!” Dopamine is actually crucial in learning all kinds of important behaviors. But, the dopamine surge from...
So my other theory is water. Stress and water perhaps? Is there something under the earth that has changed and manifested itself into our ground and affecting water that we drink? Whether it be for an indoor animal and women in remote African Countries( (that aren’t exposed to regular tox...
get prodded to make sure they didn’t forget any snacks or butter pats or late-night cookie nibbles, and then receive some follow-up questions about tap water and salt and other fun things. According to the CDC file, the participants also answer a short questionnaire “to ascertain whether ...
I can relate, I understand it better. It is written for me. I am her audience. I was at a cross point. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Sometimes unfortunately people need a TIA before they will take action to prevent a stroke, unstable angina to preven...