Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Muslims to eat from the "People of the Book's" (Jews and Christians) food?Biblical Contradictions: Can There Be Food That Makes You Unclean?Can We Eat the Meat (cooked food-meat) of The People Of The Book?
And, if I don’t miss my guess, this trouble will spread off campus, for campus is where what is ideologically “cool” begins. (As Andrew Sullivan said, “We’re all on campus now.”) Arresting or expelling the protestors won’t solve the problem, for arrested prote...
More retirements can be expected after the holidays, when lawmakers have had a chance to spend time with families and make decisions ahead of reelection deadlines. But so far, the numbers don’t indicate thedysfunction in the Houseis causing a mass exodus for either party. . . .But it’s...
I’m surprised they don’t mentionthe Aleppo Codex, the oldest Hebrew Bible in existence (there are older versions in Greek), also a big draw to the Museum. But more on that later. I’ll include some labels with the object to avoid taking a lot of time simply to retype them. The e...
“Zionist entity” to refer to “Israel”, with the latter word hardly being used at all (and not capitalized when it is). The new term is of course meant to deny the existence of Israel, and also to suggest that it’s anartificialentity, i.e., that Jews aren’t indigenous to the...