Both Goldman and Yukelson noted that only good things can come from athletes opening up about the issue. The more athletes talk, the more fans might feel inspired to seek help on their own. The National Alliance on Mental Illnesslists talking openly about mentalhealthas the first way to redu...
The Burden of Sports: How and Why Athletes Struggle with Mental HealthDixon, SteveLibrary journal.
We get in our own way when we procrastinate. Maybe it’s not procrastination, and a more honest statement is that you like/prefer to work under pressure, and you get a rush when you can still meet a deadline. Maybe you don’t work well if there isn’t a deadline. Great. Make one...
Her withdrawal is not so shocking, especially when you start to imagine the hurricane of emotions athletes like Biles must go through on a daily basis, with all the pressure they face and the fear of letting their whole nation down in case they don’t win (which is never guaranteed in sp...
Energy and stamina levels often increase within days of using maca. For this reason, many athletes take maca for peak performance. Those who feel tired most of the time might want to try maca to see if it helps. There is evidence that maca can protect the brain from damage and improve ...
Most people experience a sense of inferiority from time to time. When we compare ourselves to people who are highly skilled, such as professional athletes, renowned scientists, celebrities, or more advanced people within our own professions, we may see ourselves as inadequate in comparison. This ...