The Burden of Sports: How and Why Athletes Struggle with Mental HealthDixon, SteveLibrary journal.
Seeking resources to improve your mental health is important. Some states have better resources than others. Many states in the United States have better resources for mental health than Colorado, unfortunately. Mental Health Reality in Colorado Canva One in four adultsstrugglewith mental health disord...
Sex and exercise are more closely linked than you might think. Women's Health investigates what happens to your sex drive when you train too much and how it can affect your libido. Read more on
For many leaders we work with, presence is the skill they most want to improve. Why? In part because they know when and how they struggle with it, and in part because it feels so much better when they get it right. Mastering presence can mean watching our tendency to react and taking...
Her exit shined a light on mental health among elite athletes who face intense pressures as the world watches. She later alsodiscussed how her exit was tied to her struggleto recover mentally after being sexually abused by former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar....
Men struggle to share. They are big talkers, but not so much when it comes to sharing how they are feeling. Men tend to bottle it up. Men are also not used to helping their friends emotionally as much as women. This makes it challenging for men to give and receive emotional help. ...
This is a flawed way of thinking, but many men have embraced that logic. Just consider how hypocritical it would be in other walks of life. Imagine if you got fired from your job and then refused to work ever again. Imagine if athletes stopped playing the game after their first loss. ...
Of course not! The most powerful leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes, and visionaries all share one critical secret:they didn’t try to “figure it out” on their own.They sought out expert coaching to break through limitations, destroy mediocrity, and achieve extraordinary success. ...
s partly why we struggle so much when traveling to a country in a different timezone. Our circadian rhythm is all over the place. But if you’re not traveling and are still struggling to fall asleep, it may be that you’re not getting enough daylight. In astudywith people suffering ...
ACT and mindfulness curricula have already been adopted by those working with youth and professional athletes to improve performance and reduce stress (Biegel & Corbin, 2018; Saltzman, 2018). For example, Szabo et al. (2019) employed an ACT-based intervention called “Watch Me Try” in ...