In what's been dubbed "toilet socializing," children resort to bathrooms to meet up with friends in school environments limiting their movements during breaks. The trend reflects a broader educational issue: striking a balance...
I have three very targeted recommendations among many. The first is that an easy thing that every school can do now is look into getting their staff and their high schoolers trained inMental Health First Aid(which teaches people how to support others experiencing mental health issues). A secon...
Bursting into the classroom from recess 15 children take their seats and face the woman they know as Ms. Yang. “What day is it today?” she asks in Mandarin Chinese. “Confucius’ birthday!” the fifth graders shout in Mandarin. “Why do we celebrate Confucius’ birthday?” “Because he...
academically,” Kamin said. “It’s also going to help with behavioral issues in the classroom, because if kids are able to move, they’re not going to have so much excess energy. They’re going to be able to focus, and it’s going to solve a lot of...