Expecy him/her to lik e you.T eachers ar e teachers becaus e they lik e kids.Given th e chance,most teachers want to b e you r friends,too.Respect your teacher,but do not b e afraid of him/her.He/sh e wants you to have a great school year just as much as you wan t to...
I have three very targeted recommendations among many. The first is that an easy thing that every school can do now is look into getting their staff and their high schoolers trained inMental Health First Aid(which teaches people how to support others experiencing mental health issues). A secon...
In my opinion, middle schoolers and younger should be on a sports competitive team because it helps you stay fit, effects your life, and increases commitment to kids. 420 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays Read More Persuasive Essay On Sports Do you have a passion, something you love to do more...