The surprising reasons why you should have caffeine before a workout, according to a personal trainerRosie Fitzmaurice
If you are, or ever have been, someone who wakes up early, ready for your workout or morning meditation, then you know about the bliss afforded by fresh daylight. If you're not in on the secret, here's the scoop: Despite the relentless pace and demands of our lives, the early morni...
Malt extract can also provide an energy boost. Malt contains Hordenine, a plant-based, naturally occurring nootropic compound that has been found in scientific studies to increase focus, energy, and motivation — but without the caffeine jitters. Hordenine is used in many dietary supplements for at...
Then there is a big chance that you haven’t scaled your campaign correctly. Scaling can be a complicated thing, and requires a little more work than just doubling your budget. To ensure good performance, scaling needs to follow guidelines and can be done in two main ways: ...
And the Detroit Airport Marriott is supposedly a full service hotel. What’s the point of a full service hotel if it doesn’t offer amenities that guests are uniquely likely to need when they arrive? My point isn’t to rail against this specific hotel. I’ve seen i...
Caffeine and alcohol disrupt your sleep cycle. Even think if you think they don’t. Even if you think you’re a unique case. If you can fall asleep immediately after having your sixth cup of coffee (or soda) for the day, that’s actually a better sign that you’re sleep-deprived rat...
Coffee has been providing its many benefits for thousands of years, thanks to its unique blend of caffeine, sugar and antioxidants. So why shouldn't you be drinking it? Despite the fact that coffee is a famously important beverage all around the world, in some countries coffee is still banne...
Stay away from alcohol, coffee, and caffeine when you’re looking for things to sip, though, because they can dehydrate you. You’re Stressed When you’re stressed out about work or other things in your life, it takes a toll on your immune system. You can’t fight off viruses as ...
Postpartum:Green poop in the weeks after pregnancy is usually related to diarrhea. Reintroducing caffeine, artificial sweeteners, or dairy after pregnancy are common causes ofpostpartum diarrhea. Causes of Green Poop in Babies, Toddlers, and Kids ...
Pay attention to what you're drinking. Avoidcaffeineand warm fluids, as they can speed up the movement of waste through the intestines. Limit dairy products or use Lactaid when enjoying dairy products, especially if you know you're lactose-intolerant. ...