As wonderful as caffeine is, it definitely does not affect us all equally. Personally, I can be wired after one small cup – but many people claim thatcaffeinejust doesn’t have quite the same effect. If you find yourself constantly wondering, “Why doesn’t coffee wake me up?” every m...
There may come a time when you lay awake at night and wonder why you can't sleep, even if you avoid caffeine late in the day and quit scrolling through social media two hours before bed. Common causes of insomnia include alcohol and caffeine intake, eating too close to bedtime, poor sle...
Most of us simply aren’t getting enough water. Make a point to set a glass of water by your bed at night, and drink the whole thing when you wake up. Not only will you feel less groggy, but you’ll also be giving all of your other systems a boost. Caffeine (or alcohol) is th...
Certain things can affect when you get hot flashes, their frequency, and how long they last. Hot flashes are more likely to affect people who smoke, drink very littlealcohol, have a higher level of education, or take medicine forhypertension. You also may be more likely to get them if yo...
Both hemorrhoids and anal fissures can cause tiny blood spots on your toilet paper. If you have blood on your toilet paper, it doesn't need to cause a major alarm. However, if your condition isn't going away despite treatment or you notice significant blood in your stool, see a healthca...