Hello, I understand that water has intermolecular forces such as hydrogen bonding, so it's really hard to separate the molecules. And, ethanol also has hydrogen bonding, but london dispersion force as well. Why is water more polar than ethanol? is it because ethanol also has a london dispers...
Why is H bonding so important to water's properties? Why is water considered a polar molecule? Why are hydrogen bonds important to water movement in plants? Why does water need a specific type of bond in the body? Explain why hydration is so important. ...
Why is Camphor water insoluble and non-polar? Solubility: For organic molecules, solubility is often summarized by the phrase "like dissolves like" which means that polar compounds tend to dissolve in a polar solvent and nonpolar compounds tend to dissolve in nonpolar solvents. This rule follows ...
Water molecules are attracted to each other because opposite sides of water molecules have opposite electric charges. This makes the positive side of... Learn more about this topic: Polar Molecule | Definition, Characteristics & Examples from ...
Learn about water molecules and their polarity. Understand water molecule structure, whether water is polar or nonpolar, and what makes water a polar molecule. Related to this Question Why does sodium chloride have brittle crystals? Why does adding water to dry ice increase ...
have polarity or an uneven distribution of charge. When an ionic or polar compound is exposed to water, the water molecules surround it. Because the water molecules are small, many of them can surround one molecule of the solute and form hydrogen bonds. Because of the attraction, the water ...
A molecule which has one or more polar covalent bonds may have a dipole moment as a result of the accumulated bond dipoles. In the case of water, we know that the O-H covalent bond is polar, due to the different electronegativities of hydrogen and oxygen. What must be always true if...
However, since the oxygen is connected to a carbon, the polarity of the oxygen goes down. Polarity here is the amount of negative or positive charge that an atom possesses in a neutral molecule. The more polar the atoms in a molecule, the more polar the molecule becomes. Here, water is...
Electrostatic forces also exist between molecules. These electrostatic forces are known as intermolecular forces. The strength of an intermolecular force determines the state of a particular molecule. Solids, for instance, have stronger intermolecular forces compared to gases....
Classify the compound as having ionic, polar covalent, or pure covalent bonds: Sb2P5. Is a B-O bond ionic, polar covalent, or nonpolar covalent? Classify the bonding as ionic or covalent and explain why? a) HI b) NaI A water molecule is held togeth...