Does the IRS really want your World of Warcraft gold? CNET eBay bans auctions of virtual goods - Jan. 29, 2007 Slashdot: - Jan. 26, 2007 Virtual Economy Research Network Terdiman, Daniel. "eBay bans auctions of virtua...
If the US truly believed Al Qaeda carried out the deadly attacks of 9/11, why does it count among its closest allies two of Al Qaeda’s largest and most prolific state sponsors? Together – by honestly answering these three questions – we are left considering the very real possibility that...
‘Terrorist’ is one of those words politicians like to throw at anything they don’t like in order to gain power over it, because people are still afraid of the concept – I don’t even think the word has a proper definition anymore, and has come to mean “Anybody that does anything ...
It doesn’t make sense to permit TikTok to use camera’s and microphones to gather information whenever it feels like it, even when you are not using it, or collect every letter you type on your phone, which is precisely what it does. That’s spyware. The Indians already banned it, an...
Even if the gig worker didn’t file a return, the IRS will catch up with them eventually, if their income is high enough. BTW, all this unemployment money is fully taxable, as is the helicopter money, so everybody will have to account for it as well. This g...
WHILE I CAN'T ANSWER THAT QUESTION, nor who hacked Sony last year (although I will explore some possibilities below), what I can tell you is that North Korea has one of the world’s largest animation studios and they pay some of the lowest wages in the industry. The studio does a lot...
North Korea’s cyber-brigades have hacked into South Korean bitcoin exchangesboth to steal customer bitcoins and demand bitcoin ransom to cease the attacks.North Korea is building up a bitcoin stash to pay for weapons and foodas the U.S. ramps up sanctions on conventional banking channels. ...
For the last 30 years, however, the American historian Mark Walker has dominated the thinking about the Uranium Project. His conclusion is that the German physicists did not hesitate "to work on weapons of mass destruction for the Third Reich" [4]. This allegation is examined especially in ...
4.8.2. Medicinal Quality and Nutritional Value The specialized metabolites are usually defensive weapons of plants (Figure 3), which play essential roles in host defense against various biotic and abiotic stresses. Many special- ized metabolites display bioactivities and clinical efficacy, and NT-based...