Sundby, Scott E.Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law
In alternate universes—one in which Sanders wins the nomination, the other in which Clinton does—they both would end up roughly the same in November. Democrats won’t cross over to vote for Trump, and Republicans won’t cross over to vote for Sanders (and certainly not for Clint...
Does the humor pass the New York Times rule? Does the humor have a target, and if yes, is it appropriate? These questions will help ensure that your subject matter is appropriate. New York Times Rule – This rule simply asks if you would be comfortable if what you did was ...
would be superior to the exclusionary rule not only in deterring individual Fourth Amendment violations, but also in encouraging use of warrants, invigorating judicial review, diminishing racism on the beat, curbing perjury, improving hiring and training practices, and promoting respect for the system....
This article discusses how and why the exclusionary rule should apply in the immigration context. The first part of the Article sets out the history of the exclSocial Science Electronic Publishing
PRUEBA ES PRUEBA / WHY AN EXCLUSIONARY RULE? EVIDENCE IS EVIDENCEThe Inter-American human rights system has produced a large number of rulings defining the different aspects of the American Convention. However, due to dictatorships in Latin America most of the work of the court has generally ...
N.Y. Search Warrant Case Shows Why We Need the Exclusionary Rule (Posted 2014-04-11 14:29:37)Balko, Radley
This paper is the only one to offer a comprehensive defense of the judicial integrity rationale on philosophical and empirical grounds that are completely distinct from the deterrence rationale for the exclusionary rule. The paper aspires to offer more detailed support for the "more majestic ...
The Supreme Court held in 1984 that the Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule "need not apply" in deportation proceedings. It reached that conclusion by weighing the costs and benefits of applying the exclusionary rule in the immigration context and ultimately based its decision on two main ...
One aspect that in general, jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court missed to elaborate on in depth, is the relation between the violation of human rights by state authorities and the use of tainted evidence. The following paper briefly analyses two important cases in which the Inter-American ...