With an airplane wing, how does the air above the wing move faster and therefore provide less pressure, and why does this result in lift? Explain why an air conditioner must cycle on and off to keep the room cooled to a preset temp? Explain the effect increasing temperature has on the...
Why does atmospheric pressure decrease more rapidly than linearly with altitude? Why are the inner planets made of denser materials than the outer planets? Why does a bubble form in the spherical shape only? Why are cloudy nights generally warmer than clear ones? Why ...
Why does atmospheric pressure decrease more rapidly than linearly with altitude? Why do objects float in liquids denser than themselves? Why does a bubble form in the spherical shape only? Why are equipotential contours near a conductor surface parallel to the surface? What is surface...
Using your knowledge of how CO2 dissolves and reacts in water, explain why global increases in atmospheric CO2 should cause a decrease in the pH of ocean water. Why is a lake with a high value for DL likely to have smaller waves than a lak...
The pressure is associated with a force exerted over an area. The pressure is proportional to the force exerted and inversely proportional to the area affected by the force. Increasing the area will decrease the pressure due to the distribution of force....