Dave, now feeling confident, continues the date and does far better than anyone would have expected up until this point. We are left with a happy scene at the table, and a shot of the Sodastream box laying on the floor, knowing that it was this that saved the date and helped to give...
Champagne is the only form of potable booze I’ve ever experienced personally that I’d be perfectly comfortable knowing I could never drink again. I wouldn’t even need a last hurrah. Justlookat the stuff. “Hmm, wow,sour air. It tastes like someone took a Sprite into the desert for ...
I miss Boppers to this day.” Amen, friend. Amen. These crunchy logs filled with peanut butter need to come back — although its original producer, Nature Valley, does offer arecipe
While it might seem counterproductive to your boredom to sit in a pool of water for a while doing nothing, the process of taking a bath can be hugely beneficial. There’s the time spent running the water and setting up your candles and scents, and then the relaxation that comes when you...
during Prohibition. Whatever the story, Arizona's Tequila Sunrise is both a signature drink and part of a signature event that celebrates Northern Arizona University's homecoming. The OG cocktail includes tequila, creme de cassis, lime juice, and soda water (the newer version is tequila, orange...
I mean – honestly – does this princess not go camping? I once spent a night on a lot of spiky red rocks in northern Ontario. True story. It was not the least painful night I'd ever had. But it wasn't a sleepless night either. ...