Why girls grow up faster than boys.(Features)Matthews, Athalie
Our “new” nails grow directly from the epithelial cells of an area called the germinal matrix, but those cells eventually begin to die, leaving behind a very important protein. Believe it or not, that protein is the same one that forms a key part of our hair and skin – keratin! The...
“All jokes have the element of surprise which causes the laughter. So you need to make sure that the jokes you write have that element of surprise!” Again, I will ask these three questions: What does that term really mean? How do you incorporate this element of surprise into a joke?
So, I arranged it all and then sung over it through my computer microphone and mimicked the guitar. Then I sent it to my homeboyMateyo, who DJs for me when we play bigger shows, so I can be out front, jumping around. He also does sound engineering and mixing and ...
Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t meeting or beating your plan. The goal of tracking your performance is not to “stay on plan” but to make adjustments if things aren’t going “to” plan. Step 4: Refine your strategy So far, you’ve created a one-page plan for your business...
Why Does Wet AMD Cause Vision Loss So Fast? Your body makes certain proteins to help you grow new blood vessels. The main one is called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). When you have wet AMD, your cells make too much VEGF. This causes abnormal blood vessels to form under the ...
“Economists who see parallels to the Russian and Brazilian financial crises a dozen years ago?” Would those be the same economists who (as a whole) failed to predict the Russian and Brazilian crisis (and almost every other economic crisis in world history?) To its credit, Forbes does ...
Trying to appease and respond to every stalling attempt can make things take even longer. It is normal for a toddler to stall at bedtime – asking for yet one more cup of water, a tissue, a final trip to the potty… all to delay bedtime and the feeling that they are missing out on...
The word “school” originates from the Greek “skholē,” which means “leisure, philosophy, lecture place.” It is essentially how we make good use of time and space to upgrade ourselves. With this, I have always liked the idea of a holistic model of schooling where we: ...
Having this kind of conviction for your testimony speaks to the spiritual nature of your music. How else does that influence your work? It brings people together. I think it just falls to me in a space of responsibility. It's not anythin...