Turns out your mom was right: Scratching an itch only makes it worse. New research from scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis indicates that scratching causes the brain to release serotonin, which intensifies the itch sensation. Ad The findings, inmice, are reported...
why does scratching make you itch more? physical itchiness—whether it's from a wool sweater, a mosquito bite, or poison oak—is usually only temporary. but sometimes that goes horribly wrong. getty images save save hell is an itch that can't be scratched. dante understood this. in his ...
Scientists Have Worked Out Why Scratching Makes You Itch MoreChris PashBusinessinsider
The skin inside your ears can itch because of anallergic reaction. Beauty products such as hair sprays, soaps, or shampoos could be the culprit. So can products that are made from nickel, such as earrings. Plastic, rubber, or metal you put inside your ears, such as earbuds or a hearing...
A Yale-led team of researchers has identified the protein that controls inflammation and the urge to itch in people who suffer from contact dermatitis due to exposure to poison ivy and other allergens. The study appears in the Journal of the Federation o
Did you see lion dances in the streets during holidays? This traditional dance is more than 2, 000 years old. The dancers are really cool. They can make the "lion" look like it is shaking(摇)its head, licking(舔)its fur or scratching an itch(挠痒). The danc...
Nofantasy footballformat has increased in popularity more over the past several years than Best Ball. Fast, easy, and with no strings attached, Best Ball provides fantasy managers a means of scratching that draft itch without being forced to commit to managing a bunch of additional teams through...
Uber began as so many startups do, not as a transformative big idea but just with an entrepreneur “scratching his own itch.” In 2008, Garrett Camp began to dream of a system for summoning limousines (“black cars”) on demand. He had made it big with the sale of his start...
Using Neosporin can help stop bacterial infections, just like it does in humans. Additionally, your pup likely won’t appreciate the taste of the Neosporin, so you should prevent him from licking, biting, or scratching the scab. Any of those actions would make it worse. The only caveat is...
If you're experiencing an itchy butt, the first thing to know is that it's most likely a symptom of another issue—not a disease or condition in itself. Since itching can lead to scratching, tiny cuts, pain, and swelling, it's important to know what's causing the itching to happen—...