If your cat’s breath seems to stink when you lift them up for a cuddle, there can be a few reasons. A healthy cat’s breath shouldn’t smell unpleasant, so if you find yourself wincing when you smell your cat’s breath, it’s time to do something about it! In this article, we...
Dogs that eat poop, whether it is their own or straight from a cat’s litterbox, could have a foul-smelling breath too. This is known as coprophagia and although we may find it gross, it is common for dogs to do. However, it does not have a good effect on your dog’s breath, ...
And when your dog has a bad odor, you are not the only one to notice. When you ask,“Why does my dog stink,”there could be a number of causes. Fortunately, it's all easily fixable. LATEST VIDEOS Remember that all dogs have unique aromas, and some breeds are smellier than others....
They do it to transfer a scent onto their bodies—and the stinkier that smell, the better. By disguising their own scent with something else (bird poop, for example), they can more easily protect themselves from predators or sneak up on prey. Unsure if your dog’s behavior is normal?
Puppies are the cutest right when they need us most Mother dogs wean their puppies at around eight weeks of age. In a study where people were asked to rate the cuteness of dogs at different ages, it turns out thateight weeks is when we find puppies cutest. This is when they're sent ...