(2000). Worlds apart: Why poverty persists in rural America. Yale University Press.Duncan CM. Worlds apart: Why poverty persists in rural America. Yale University Press; New Haven, CT: 1999.Duncan, Cynthia M. 1999. Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America. New Haven, CN: Yale...
America has one of the highest poverty rates among developed countries. Escaping poverty is mainly down to luck, no matter what the bootstrap brigade wants you to believe. If you’re lucky enough to be born in the right place to the right family, you’re unlikely ever to experience real ...
Why does the central economic problem exist in any society? Why do some politicians claim capitalism works, despite half of the world s children living in poverty ? How do people actually believe in a post-scarcity society? What are the reasons behind underdevelopment, especially t...
(2012). So rich, so poor: Why it’s so hard to end poverty in America . New York, NY: The New Press.Edelman, P. B. (2012). So rich, so poor: Why it's so hard to end poverty in America. The New Press.Edelman, Peter 2012. So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End...
Money is not an absolute but relative affair. Poverty is balanced with excessive wealth on the other end of the bell curve; you can only be very rich if there are others very poor. This means that poverty relief goes hand in hand with the reduction of excessive personal wealth. People who...
Systemic barriers to HIV care continuum engagement have been documented in past research and include factors such as living in a geographical area with socioeconomic disadvantage; income maintenance support levels that keep people in poverty; lack of easily available high-quality services and housing; ...
Median incomes and home values exceed the levels in both Nevada and the U.S., and poverty is less prevalent.How Has Washoe County Tended to Vote? Washoe County has been swingy in recent presidential races. It backed Bush in 2000 and 2004 by 10 and 4 points, then backed Obama in ...
New Hampshire’s poverty rate (7.2%) was also better than America’s overall rate (12.8%) in 2021, a comparison that was largely unchanged in 2022. The Granite State performed the weakest in the fiscal stability (No. 41) and infrastructure (No. 30) categories of the Best States analysis...
___ 对于Acemoglu(MIT)关于政治与增长的研究早有耳闻(他在2005年获得了 John Bates Clark奖,被认为具有竞逐诺奖的实力),近来对于他和哈佛的Robinson(以下简称AR)一起合写这本著作《Why Nations Fail: The origins of power, prosperity and poverty》的讨论逐渐兴盛(详见福山的书评: http://blogs.the-america.....
Other states also experienced declines in manufacturing, such as in the Deep South, but they are not usually considered part of the Rust Belt. Poverty in the Rust Belt Blue-collarjobs have increasingly moved overseas, forcing local governments to rethink the type of manufacturing businesses that ...