public service announcement. Optimus Prime, leader of the Transformers, falls prey to prostate cancer. The outcome is never in doubt during "World's Most One-Sided Fistfights Caught on Film." Outtakes from Dukes of Hazzard, The X-Files, Battlestar Galactica and more come to light in "...
The Lady of the Lake gives Percival some trouble. The Robot Chicken crew shows what Dumbledore sees in the Mirror of Desire. Professor X reveals how the X-Men first discovered their powers. And Garfield gets buried in the pet cemetery.
God, being One, treats before there is anything to treat, because he knows relationship before there are relations, which is also why there is quantum self-interference. Said differently: quantum uncertainty does not describe the reality of the extremely small, it describes the reality of the wh...
This is one of them. Slavery was a tradition. Child sacrifice was a tradition. Beheading is a tradition people have been doing for centuries. It clearly does not make it right. There is an overpopulation of animals being bred on factory farms and it’s destroying the environment, hindering ...
provided by two State-approved commercial networks and a third one that pretends to be a news outlet (along with more than a few public broadcasting channels that clearly don't need to earn any kind of revenue… or to be entertaining for that matter) that pushed for the “analog bl...